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Help families in need this Christmas

Help families far from home this Christmas

Home is a special place, all year round.

And as Christmas approaches, it becomes even more cherished. The yearning for a familiar, safe place, surrounded by loved ones is a feeling we all share.

Now imagine if coming home was just a dream. If you had been forced to leave everything behind, not knowing if you could ever return.

Imagine being forced to walk for days to escape conflict and the devastating impact of climate change. This is the reality for millions of families this Christmas. Millions of families who are going to bed hungry every night. 

In Gaza, Palestinian families are under siege without regular access to food, water and medical care. Forced from their homes by constant shelling.

In Colombia, Venezuelan families are fleeing across the border in desperate need of food, water and shelter. They desperately need your support. 

With your support we can be there for families in need.

Your support means people left with absolutely nothing can survive far from home.

With your support GOAL teams can continue to provide hope to families in the world's poorest communities. In the most dangerous conflicts. Delivering food, water and medical support.

With your help we can save lives. Because that's what GOALies do.

Please donate today and help deliver critical support to families in need this Christmas.


GOAL teams are delivering life saving support this Christmas

Supporting families far from home this Christmas

Millions of families will spend Christmas far from home this year. Far from friends and family. Families like Jennifer's.

"I was forced to leave my country in search of a better future for my children," Jennifer says.

Jennifer is among the two million Venezuelans who have fled to Colombia in recent years to escape violence and economic insecurity. The economic collapse has left families struggling for work, food, medicine, and basic services.

Concern for her two children, Tamara, 12 years old, and little Anthony, 4, persuaded Jennifer to abandon their home in Venezuela.

"I worked to provide for my children but food was too expensive. Life became impossible."

"In the end we couldn't even afford to buy medicine when Anthony got sick. I had to take my son to the hospital but they wouldn't let us in due to overcrowding. I knew then we had to leave for Colombia."


Jennifer feeds her 4 year old son Anthony

Like most Venezuelan families, Jennifer faced huge challenges when she arrived in Colombia. She struggled to find employment, secure social protection and access basic services.

"Things have not been easy, we have been through a lot," Jennifer says wiping away tears. "When we arrived we shared a room with another Venezuelan family but they were taking drugs. It was not a safe environment for the children so we had to move," she continues.

Fortunately, Jennifer and her family met a generous local woman, Mrs Ruby, who offered to take them in. Jennifer works in Mrs Ruby's fish shop during the week to help cover her bills and provide for the family. Mrs Ruby also introduced Jennifer and her family to GOAL.

Local teams are now supporting Jennifer and her family. Helping them to build a new life and a brighter future in Colombia.

Jennifer still hopes to return to her home in Venezuela one day, "My family is still there. I would like to go home but the economic situation is too difficult. I can't take my children back in case they get sick again."

"I used to have a great life there but now I don't care about material things. All that matters is the health and safety of my family."