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Water-Share & GOAL

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Delivering sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programs

Water-Share is an alliance of water sector stakeholders collaborating with GOAL to deliver sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs to vulnerable communities in developing countries. WASH programs are vital for the well-being of communities across the globe. Everyone needs clean, safe water for drinking, cooking and washing.

This strategic collaboration incorporates funding, technical resources and expertise.

Why Water-Share?

Water-Share members are helping to amplify GOAL's WASH programming in the world's most vulnerable communities. By tapping into the talent, commitment and generosity of their employees ethically conscious companies are helping to transform thousands of lives every day.

The problem in numbers

Every 2 minutes

a child dies from a preventable diarrhoea-related disease

2 billion

people lack access to safe drinking water

3.6 billion

people lack access to safe sanitation

494 million

people are forced to practice open defecation

Want to get involved?

Water-Share is seeking new members from the public and private sectors to reach more families with life-saving support. In 2023 we hope to raise an additional $60,000 to improve access to water and sanitation services in the world's most vulnerable communities.

Membership options

Water-Share Patron: Commitment to annual funding of $5,000, which can include services in kind on projects (staff input, materials, research, or secretariat facilities). Each patron is invited to nominate one member to the Water-Share Steering Committee.

Water-Share Supporter: Commitment to annual funding of $1,000 with staff afforded full opportunity to engage in the work where the opportunity is identified.

Please contact Ed today to find out how your company can help transform lives in the world's most vulnerable communities.#

Ed 914 414 7686

What Water-Share membership means

Niall Gleeson, CEO, Uisce Eireann, Barry O'Connell, Chairman, GOAL, Siobhan Walsh, CEO, GOAL and Jerry Grant, Chairman, Water-Share Ireland

Niall Gleeson, CEO, Uisce Eireann, Barry O'Connell, Chairman, GOAL, Siobhan Walsh, CEO, GOAL and Jerry Grant, Chairman, Water-Share Ireland

The success of Water-Share projects benefits thousands of people every day. Together, we are improving water quality, providing access to safe water and sanitation solutions for so many vulnerable communities in the developing world.

This meaningful engagement with Water-Share companies not only offers your employees an opportunity to help GOAL deliver essential WASH programs to people in need, but members also experience a tangible confluence between their businesses and GOAL's development work. This can fulfil CSR objectives and can help enrich colleagues' work experiences. Together, we are working in alliance to deliver on UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation for all.

Water-Share contributes to the work of GOAL through a Memorandum of Understanding, whereby funds from sector members are transmitted directly to GOAL and accounted for as a separate funding stream. The Water-Share Committee notes and approves allocations of funding to projects and receives and responds to requests for support. Sector companies can make meaningful contributions to the projects and involve staff where there is a good skill-set overlap. This sector has a shared commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) benefits in their values and purpose. Water-Share gives meaningful expression to those values.

Water-Share Partners

Water-Share's Impact

Sierra Leone
Partnering for Impact

Sierra Leone

In Freetown, a city with a population of more than 1 million people, GOAL with numerous Water-Share partners (including EPS, Nicholas O'Dwyer and other Water-Share members in their personal capacity), has recently constructed and commissioned the country's first faecal sludge treatment plant.

Working closely with the Freetown City Council, the plant is now treating up to 10 tanker loads of sludge a day using a novel geotextile bag de-watering process.

The DCU Water Institute and RPS provided GIS services as part of GOAL's assessment of access to mechanised latrine emptying services across the city.

GOAL's work in Sierra Leone


GOAL and Water-Share have completed Phase 1 of a project aimed at bringing potable water to areas lacking suitable groundwater resources of their own.

These areas, adjacent to the shores of Lake Victoria, have long suffered with insufficient access to safe drinking water. Supported by a skilled volunteer team of Water-Share members and ARUP, Phase 1 has identified a number of potential high yield boreholes with good quality water, and the team are currently scoping Phase 2 feasibility for commencement in 2022.

GOAL's work in Uganda


GOAL teams are providing clean, safe water to over 350,000 people across Idlib Governorate, which is severely affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria.

GOAL is working with the local authorities to rehabilitate, operate and maintain the pre-war water infrastructure. In an effort to better understand leakage levels and prioritise the worst locations for rehabilitation with limited funds, GOAL started liaising with RPS for remote support and technical mentoring to GOAL's Syrian WASH team in 2020, however this work was interrupted because of escalating conflict on the ground. GOAL is looking to re-establish this support in 2022.

GOAL's work in Syria

Partnering for Impact

Thanks to fantastic support from the international water industry, both public and private, Water-Share has made significant progress since 2019:

  • $120,000 raised from 20 private sector companies, a family foundation, and the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland.
  • Additional benefit-in-kind and invaluable staff contributions, valued at approximately $40,000.
  • Successful projects completed in Uganda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Syria.
  • Volunteer resources from personnel at Uisce Eireann, Nicholas O'Dwyer Ltd, ARUP, JB Barry & Partners Ltd, RPS Group, Ryan Hanley, EPS, FLI Group, Veolia, TOBIN, Cully Automation, DCU Water Institute and others.

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